25.6.7. Synchronization
Due to asynchronicity between the main clock domain and the peripheral clock domains, some registers
need to be synchronized when written or read.
The following bits are synchronized when written:
Software Reset bit in Control A register, CTRLA.SWRST
Enable bit in Control A register, CTRLA.ENABLE
Count Read Synchronization bit in Control A register (CTRLA.COUNTSYNC)
Clock Read Synchronization bit in Control A register (CTRLA.COUNTSYNC)
The following registers are synchronized when written:
Counter Value register, COUNT
Clock Value register, CLOCK
Counter Period register, PER
Compare n Value registers, COMPn
Alarm n Value registers, ALARMn
Frequency Correction register, FREQCORR
Alarm n Mask register, MASKn
The General Purpose n registers (GPn)
The following registers are synchronized when read:
The Counter Value register, COUNT, if the Counter Read Sync Enable bit in CTRLA
The Clock Value register, CLOCK, if the Clock Read Sync Enable bit in CTRLA
The Timestamp Value register (TIMESTAMP)
Required write-synchronization is denoted by the "Write-Synchronized" property in the register
Required read-synchronization is denoted by the "Read-Synchronized" property in the register
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25.6.8. Additional Features Periodic Intervals
The RTC prescaler can generate interrupts and events at periodic intervals, allowing flexible system tick
creation. Any of the upper eight bits of the prescaler (bits 2 to 9) can be the source of an interrupt/event.
When one of the eight Periodic Event Output bits in the Event Control register (EVCTRL.PEREO[n=0..7])
is '1', an event is generated on the 0-to-1 transition of the related bit in the prescaler, resulting in a
periodic event frequency of:
is the frequency of the internal prescaler clock CLK_RTC_OSC, and n is the position of the
EVCTRL.PEREOn bit. For example, PER0 will generate an event every eight CLK_RTC_OSC cycles,
PER1 every 16 cycles, etc. This is shown in the figure below.
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016