* Writing in 8-bit mode will also write this byte in all bytes of the 32-bit
* Writing higher 16-bits will also write the lower 16-bits.
* Writing lower 16-bits will also write the higher 16-bits.
Errata reference: 14417
Two workarounds are available.
- Use 32-bit write mode.
- Write only lower 16-bits (This will write upper 16-bits also, but does not
impact the application).
2 – When the EIC is configured to generate an interrupt on a low level
or rising edge or both edges (CONFIGn.SENSEx) with the filter enabled
(CONFIGn.FILTENx), a spurious flag might appear for the dedicated pin
on the INTFLAG.EXTINT[x] register as soon as the EIC is enabled using
Errata reference: 15278
Clear the INTFLAG bit once the EIC enabled and before enabling the
49.1.14. EVSYS
1 – The acknowledge between an event user and the EVSYS clears the
CHSTATUS.CHBUSYn bit before this information is fully propagated in
the EVSYS one GCLK_EVSYS_CHANNEL_n clock cycle later. As a
consequence, any generator event occurring on that channel before
that extra GCLK_EVSYS_CHANNEL_n clock cycle will trigger the
overrun flag.
Errata reference: 14835
For applications using event generators other than the software event,
monitor the OVR flag.
For applications using the software event generator, wait one
GCLK_EVSYS_CHANNEL_n clock cycle after the CHSTATUS.CHBUSYn bit
is cleared before issuing a software event.
2 – Using synchronous, spurious overrun can appear with generic
clock for the channel always on.
Errata reference: 14532
- Request the generic clock on demand by setting the
- No penalty is introduced.
49.2. Die Revision B
49.2.1. SUPC
1 – When Buck converter is set as main voltage regulator
(SUPC.VREG.SEL=1), the microcontroller can freeze when leaving
standby mode.
Errata reference: 15264
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016