Bit 5 – EORSM: End Of Resume Interrupt Flag
This flag is cleared by writing a one to the flag.
This flag is set when the USB detects a valid “End of Resume” signal initiated by the host and will
generate an interrupt if INTENCLR/SET.EORSM is one.
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Bit 4 – WAKEUP: Wake Up Interrupt Flag
This flag is cleared by writing a one to the flag.
This flag is set when the USB is reactivated by a filtered non-idle signal from the lines and will generate
an interrupt if INTENCLR/SET.WAKEUP is one.
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Bit 3 – EORST: End of Reset Interrupt Flag
This flag is cleared by writing a one to the flag.
This flag is set when a USB “End of Reset” has been detected and will generate an interrupt if
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Bit 2 – SOF: Start-of-Frame Interrupt Flag
This flag is cleared by writing a one to the flag.
This flag is set when a USB “Start-of-Frame” has been detected (every 1 ms) and will generate an
interrupt if INTENCLR/SET.SOF is one.
The FNUM is updated. In High Speed mode, the MFNUM register is cleared.
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Bit 0 – SUSPEND: Suspend Interrupt Flag
This flag is cleared by writing a one to the flag.
This flag is set when a USB “Suspend” idle state has been detected for 3 frame periods (J state for 3 ms)
and will generate an interrupt if INTENCLR/SET.SUSPEND is one.
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016