6.13 Teach–in (from SW 4.1)
Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved
SIMODRIVE 611 universal Description of Functions (FBU) – 04.05 Edition
Teach–in (from SW 4.1)
Using this function, an approached axis position can be directly entered
into a specific traversing block as position reference value.
The axis can be traversed to the required position e.g. using ”jogging”
and/or ”incremental jogging.
The ”teach–in” function is activated using the ”activate teach–in (edge)”
input signal in the ”positioning” mode.
It is not possible to activate ”teach–in” while a traversing program is
Table 6-70
Overview of teach–in
In which tra-
Teach–in block
In which tra-
versing block is
the position
value be writ-
P0120 = –1
The position value (actual position reference value) is written into the
traversing block which is selected either via digital input signals (Fct.
No. 50 to 55) or the PROFIBUS control signal SatzAnw.0 – .5.
value be writ-
The position value (actual position reference value) is written into the
traversing block which is specified using P0120.
Teach–in standard block
How does the
teach–in block
become a com-
P0121 = –1
When activating ”Teach–in”, only the position value is written into the
selected block (the actual position reference value).
All other data must be manually entered to make it a complete travers-
ing block.
teach–in block
become a com-
plete traversing
For ”teach–in”, the block, defined using P0121, is transferred into the
selected block and the position value (actual position reference value)
is overwritten.
P0087 is not completely transferred, but only the position mode and the
block enable condition. Information as to whether the block is sup-
pressed or not is not transferred into the new block.
Teach–in configuration
What are the
various config-
uration possi-
P0124.0 = 1
Automatically increase the block number (P0120
In this mode, after each successful ”teach–in”, the teach–in block in
P0120 is automatically increased.
In this case, the teach in blocks are overwritten.
If the teach–in block is selected using an input signal (P0120 = –1) and
the ”automatically increase block number” function is enabled, then the
following applies:
The first teach–in block is selected via input signals
Additional teach–in blocks are defined using P0120
The block number is automatically searched for
= 1: In this mode, for ”teach–in”, a search is made for the block in
P0120. If an invalid block is selected via P0120, then this
block is generated in the memory at the first position where there
is still no block. A complete block is generated
(although P0121 = –1).
= 0: If the block in P0120 or the block selected via the input signals
is not available, then fault 183 is output.
6 Description of the Functions
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