5.10 Slave–to–slave communications (from SW 4.1)
Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved
SIMODRIVE 611 universal Description of Functions (FBU) – 04.05 Edition
When distributed input signals are read in, a ”SIMODRIVE 611 univer-
sal” can directly read in control signals from another slave (publisher)
without the signals first having to be routed via the master.
Either an input module, which is capable of slave–to–slave communica-
tions (e.g. ET200) can be used as publisher, or another drive, whose sta-
tus signals can be used as control signals.
The following process data is required for the telegram configuring to read
in these input signals:
Distributed inputs
––> Signal ID 50111
For a description of the process data, refer to Chapter 5.6.
The individual bits in the process data must be assigned functions us-
ing parameter P0888. The same function IDs are used as when para-
meterizing the input terminals via P0660 to P0671 (function numbers
from the ”List of input signals”, refer to Chapter 6.4.2).
Using this function assignment, signal sources can be mixed. The fol-
lowing hierarchy applies (1. = highest priority):
1. The signal comes from the local digital input on the ”SIMODRIVE
611 universal” hardware.
2. The signal comes from a publisher via the process data ”DezEing”.
3. Signal comes from the PROFIBUS master via ”STW1”, ”STW2”,
For the example from Fig. 5-34, all setpoints, with the exception of the
hardware limit switch, are entered from the PROFIBUS–DP master.
The hardware limit switches are read in via an ET200 module and entered
into the process data ”DezEing” (bit 0 and bit1).
In this case, it is necessary that the appropriate telegram is configured us-
ing P0915 and P0888 is assigned the function numbers for the hardware
limit switch.
Distributed input
Example, mixed
5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP