Page no. 378
GE Healthcare
Senographe DS
Revision 1
Service Information and Procedures Class A 2385072-16-8EN
Job Card LOTO A001 - Lock-Out / Tag-Out (LOTO) Procedures
LOTO kit, which comprises:
Small Yellow Box (A) — used to secure disconnected power cable connections.
Large Yellow Box (B) — used to secure disconnected power cable connections.
Red Padlock (and key) (C) and Red Label (D) — a personal padlock owned by a indvidual Field Engi-
neer which is used during work time.
Yellow Padlock (and key) (E) and Yellow Label (F) — used during non-work time (i.e. overnight/shift
change or over weekends).
Mutihasp (G) — use in conjucntion with multiple padlocks when more than one Field Engineer is
required for the task.
Multihasps vary in shape and size depending on the design of the Mains Distribution Panel. Their
principle of use is the same in that they allow more than on Field Engineer to secure the system
with their personal red padlock.
Blue "Lockout Point" Labels (H).
Standard Tool Box
Digital Multimeter with a 1000V rating
Personnel: 1 Field Engineer
Time: 25 minutes
This entire Job Card is to do with safety. Follow the steps in this Job Card exactly as described.
The following electrical risks are associtated with the Senographe system:
220V monophase AC mains power supply in the Line Supply Cable going from the Mains Distribution
Panel into the Generator
stored residual voltage within the capacitors of Generator
external power source for the room lamps that are connected to the Generator Relay board
The extenal power source for the room lamps must be no more than 30V. If the room lamps power
source exceeds 30V you must take appropriate actions to change this source.
The only people authorized to perform a LOTO procedure are the Field Engineers, Support Engineers,
and Field Engineering trainees who have undergone LOTO training.
The person carrying out the LOTO procedure must verbally inform all personnel of the date on which the
lock-out will take place and of the time at which the equipment will be operational again.