Using Help
Adobe Photoshop Help
Getting Images into Photoshop and ImageReady
Using Help
For File Naming, choose elements from the pop-up menus or enter text into the fields.
The specified elements and text will be combined to create the new filename.
For Compatibility, select the operating systems with which you want renamed files to
be compatible. The current operating system is selected by default, and you cannot
deselect it.
Deleting files
Select the file or files you want to delete, and do one of the following: click
the Trash button, drag the files to the Trash button , press the Delete key, or choose
Delete from the palette menu.
Creating new folders
Choose New Folder from the palette menu, type a name, and press
Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS).
Moving and copying files
To move a file, drag it to a different folder; to copy a file, Alt-
drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) it to a different folder.
Rotating images
Select one or more files, and do one of the following: choose a rotation
option from the palette menu; click the Rotate button
to rotate the images clockwise by
90 degrees; or Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the Rotate button
to rotate
the images counter-clockwise by 90 degrees.
Refreshing the view
When you rename a file, the order of files in the File Browser is not
automatically updated. To refresh the view, choose Refresh Desktop View from the palette
menu. Closing and reopening the File Browser also refreshes the view.
Displaying files in the Windows Explorer or Mac OS Finder
Choose Reveal Location in
Explorer (Windows) or Reveal Location in Finder (Mac OS) from the palette menu.
Purging the cache
The cache stores thumbnail and file information to make loading
times quicker when you return to a previously viewed folder. To purge the cache and free
disk space, choose Purge Cache from the palette menu.
Purging the cache deletes ranking and thumbnail information.
Exporting the cache
Exporting the cache allows you to burn a CD without having to
generate thumbnails. To export the cache, choose Export Cache from the palette menu.
The cache is exported to the current folder in the File Browser.
Placing files
You can use the File > Place command to place artwork into a new layer in an image.
In Photoshop, you can place PDF, Adobe Illustrator, and EPS files; in ImageReady, you can
place files in any supported format, with the exception of Photoshop (PSD) files containing
CMYK images.
When you place a PDF, Adobe Illustrator, or EPS file, it is rasterized; you cannot edit text or
vector data in placed artwork. Keep in mind that artwork is rasterized at the resolution of
the file into which it is placed.
To place a PDF, Adobe Illustrator, or EPS file (Photoshop):
Open the Photoshop image into which you want to place the artwork.
Choose File > Place, select the file you want to place, and click Place.
If you are placing a PDF file that contains multiple pages, select the page you want to
place in the provided dialog box, and click OK.