Using Help
Adobe Photoshop Help
Making Color and Tonal Adjustments
Using Help
To adjust the color balance of the image, choose the channel (or channels) you want to
adjust from the Channel menu.
To edit a combination of color channels at the same time, Shift-select the channels in the
Channels palette before choosing Curves. The Channel menu then displays the abbrevia-
tions for the target channels—for example, CM for cyan and magenta. The menu also
contains the individual channels for the selected combination.
To make the Curves grid finer, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), and click
the grid. Alt/Option-click again to make the grid larger.
Click any points on the curve that you want to remain fixed. For example, if you want to
adjust the midtones while minimizing the effect on the highlights and shadows, click the
quarter and three-quarter points on the curve.
You can add up to 14 control points to the curve, locking those values. To remove a control
point, drag it off the graph, select it and press Delete, or Ctrl-click (Windows) or
Command-click (Mac OS) it. You cannot delete the endpoints of the curve.
To determine the lightest and darkest areas in the image, drag over the image. The
intensity values of the area under the pointer, along with the corresponding location
on the curve, are displayed in the Curves dialog box.
Do any of the following to adjust the curve:
Drag the curve until the image looks the way you want it.
Click a point on the curve, and enter Input and Output values for the point.
Select the pencil at the bottom of the dialog box, and drag to draw a new curve. You
can hold down Shift to constrain the curve to a straight line, and click to define
endpoints. When you’re finished, click Smooth if you want to smooth the curve.
Click Auto to adjust the image using the settings specified in the Auto Correction
Options dialog box. For more information, see
“Setting auto correction options
(Photoshop)” on page 144
The following shortcuts work with the Curves dialog box:
Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) in the image to set a point on the
curve in the current channel specified in the Curves dialog box.
Shift+Ctrl-click (Windows) or Shift+Command-click (Mac OS) in the image to set a point
on the curve for the selected color in each color component channel (but not in the
composite channel).
Shift-click points on the curve to select multiple points. Selected points appear filled
with black.
Click in the grid, or press Ctrl-D (Windows) or Command-D (Mac OS) to deselect all
points on the curve.
Press arrow keys to move selected points on the curve.
Press Ctrl+Tab (Windows) or Tab (Mac OS) to move forward through control
points on the curve.
Press Shift+Ctrl+Tab (Windows) or Shift+Tab (Mac OS) to move backward
through control points on the curve.