Using Help
Adobe Photoshop Help
Creating Rollovers and Animations (ImageReady)
Using Help
Specifying looping
You select a looping option to specify how many times the animation sequence repeats
when played.
To specify looping:
Click the looping option selection box at the lower left corner of the Animation palette.
Select a looping option: Once, Forever, or Other.
If you selected Other, enter a value in the Set Loop Count dialog box, and click OK.
Specifying delay for frames
You can specify a
—the time that a frame is displayed—for single frames or for
multiple frames in an animation. Delay time is displayed in seconds. Fractions of a second
are displayed as decimal values. For example, one-quarter second is specified as .25.
To specify a delay time:
Select one or more frames.
In the Animation palette, click on the Delay value below the selected frame to view the
Delay pop-up menu.
Specify the delay:
Choose a value from the pop-up menu. (The last value used appears at the bottom of
the menu.)
Choose Other, enter a value in the Set Frame Delay dialog box, and click OK.
If you selected multiple frames, specifying a delay value for one frame applies the value to
all frames.
Delay time may not be accurate during an animation preview in ImageReady.
For an accurate preview of delay time, preview animations in a browser.
Adding layers to frames
When you create a new layer, it is visible in all frames of an animation. To hide a layer in a
specific frame, select the frame in the Animation palette, and then hide the desired layer in
the Layers palette.
You can use the Create Layer for Each New Frame option to automatically add a new layer
to the image every time you create a frame. The new layer is visible in the new frame but
hidden in other frames. Using this options saves time when you are creating an animation
that requires you to add a new visual element to each frame.
To add a new layer every time you create a frame:
Choose Create Layer for Each New Frame from the Animation palette menu. A check mark
indicates that the option is turned on.