ION x6010 User Guide
33493 Rev. F
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module. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your particular
device/system and firmware release.
Compare the results of an operation via each user interface (Web interface, CLI, Focal Point 3).
Use the Web interface or command line interface (CLI) to obtain all possible operating status
information (log files, test results,
command outputs, counters, etc.)
Use the ION system manual procedure to retry the failed function or operation.
For the failed function or operation, verify that you entered valid parameters using the cursor-
over-help (COH) and/or the ION system manual.
Based on the symptoms recorded, work back through each step in the process or operation to
recall a point at which the problem occurred, and examine for a possible failure point and fixe
for each.
Document each suspected problem and attempted resolution; eliminate as many potential
causes as possible.
Isolate the 1-2 most likely root causes of what went wrong, and gain as much information as you
can to prove the suspected cause(s).
If you find a sequence of actions that causes the problem to recur, replicate the full sequence
several times and document it if possible.
Review your system log information and add any other comments that occur to you about what
has taken place in terms of system behavior and suspected problem causes and solutions.
Review the “
Recording Model Information and System Information
” section before calling
Lantronix for support.
Error Indications and Recovery Procedures
The types of indications or messages reported include:
LED fault and activity displays (
page 129
Problem Conditions (
page 130
CLI Messages (
page 143
Web Interface Messages (
page 145
Webpage Messages (
page 154
Config Error Log (config.err File) Messages (
page 160
Third Party Tool Messages (HyperTerminal, Ping, and Telnet Messages) (
page 169
T1 Error Events and Alarm Conditions (page
These message types and their recommended recovery procedures are covered in the following