ION x6010 User Guide
33493 Rev. F
Page 201 of 261
ION System Tests
This section describes x6010 DMI and debug functions, PCB configurables, and related test functions.
DMI (Diagnostic Maintenance Interface) Test
The DMI (Diagnostic Maintenance Interface) function displays x6010 diagnostic / maintenance
information such as fiber interface characteristics, diagnostic monitoring parameters, and supported
media lengths. You can set the fiber port’s “Rx Power Intrusion Threshold” to a setting of 0 to
65,535 uW to meet your organization’s intrusion detection requirements.
: only certain Lantronix NID and SFP models support DMI. NIDs that support DMI have a “D” at the
end of the model number.
DMI can be configured in the NID using either the CLI or Web method.
DMI Config – CLI Method
Access the x6010 through either a USB connection (see
“Starting a USB Session”
) or a Telnet session
“Starting a Telnet Session”
Set the Diagnostic Monitoring Interface receive preset power level for a fiber port. Type:
set dmi rx-power-preset-level=
where: xx is a preset level for Rx Power on the Fiber port, in the range of 1 to 65,535.
. For example:
set dmi rx-preset-power-level=10
and press
Display the DMI information. Type:
show dmi info
and press
. For example:
Agent III C1|S8|L1P2>
set dmi rx-power-preset-level 10
Agent III C1|S8|L1P2>
show dmi info
Diagnostic monitoring interface information:
DMI connector type: LC
DMI indentifier: SFP/SFP+/SFP28
DMI Nominal bit rate: 1300*Mbps
DMI 9/125u Singlemode Fiber (k): N/A
DMI 9/125u Singlemode Fiber (m): N/A
DMI 50/125u Multimode Fiber (m): 500*m
DMI 62.5/125u Multimode Fiber (m): 30*10m
Copper(m): N/A
DMI fiber interface wavelength: 850*nm
DMI temperature: 34.7*C
DMI temperature: 94.5*F
DMI temperature alarm: normal
DMI transmit bias current: 4144*uA
DMI transmit bais alarm: normal
DMI Transmit power: 204*uW
DMI Transmit power: -6.904*dBM
DMI Transmit power alarm: normal
DMI Receive power: 0*uW
DMI Receive power alarm: normal
Error: Get DMI Vendor name no such object.
Error: Get DMI Vendor Part Number no such object.
Error: Get DMI Vendor serial number no such object.