ION x6010 User Guide
33493 Rev. F
Page 17 of 261
Firmware Upgrade
The x6010 can be upgraded via an IONMM installed in an ION chassis. You can select the target NID via
the Web interface / Focal Point / CLI and start the firmware upgrade operation. After the x6010 finishes
upgrading, it will reboot itself to load the new firmware. The upgrades do not require reconfiguration of
the SNMP management or converter feature settings.
The x6010 has two parts that need to be upgraded; one is the device firmware (AVR) and the other is
the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) firmware. For simplicity, these two parts are combined into
one firmware file and upgraded in one step, transparently.
You can upgrade the x6010 to a specific revision via the IONMM, which means the x6010 can be up-
graded to a newer revision firmware or can be downgraded to an older revision firmware. (Attempting
to upgrade to the existing revision firmware version is not actually performed, and a message displays
indicating this.)
Certain conditions will cause the firmware upgrade to fail:
The communication path between x6010 and IONMM is corrupted, causing an upgrade protocol
No valid firmware file stored in the IONMM (e.g., no specified x6010 firmware revision, or a cor-
rupted firmware file).
The firmware revision is the same.
Programming the internal Flash fails.
If the x6010 bootloader cannot detect valid firmware installed after device is powered up or rebooted, it
enters upgrade mode automatically to request valid firmware from the IONMM. When the x6010 fin-
ishes upgrading successfully, it reboots itself and the bootloader checks the firmware again. If it passes,
the x6010 loads the new firmware and enters normal operating mode. Otherwise, the x6010 returns to
Upgrade mode.
: Only the x6010 in the process of being upgraded will have its FPGA forced into
factory mode. The FPGA mode of the connected x6010 remains in application mode. A C6010 can only
upgrade a remote S6010 with the same version number.
The three methods of firmware upgrades are:
Web interface
Focal Point
CLI command
A remotely managed x6010 can be upgraded remotely as mentioned above. Note that the current ION
platform supports up to one level of x6010 device remote management.