ION x6010 User Guide
33493 Rev. F
Page 85 of 261
Back Up and Restore File Content and Location
The IONMM card stores all configuration backup files, HTTPS certification file, and Syslog file.
: Doing a reboot, restart, an upgrade or a reset to factory settings may cause some configuration
backup files, HTTPS certification file, and Syslog files to be lost. Doing a reboot, restart or upgrade of the
IONMM, a power restart of the chassis, or a reset to factory removes temporary files (e.g. configuration
backup files, Syslog file). A Factory Reset also removes the permanent settings (e.g. configuration files,
HTTPS certification file, SSH key).
The back Up operation backs up all of the SNMP settings (the same as what can be set via the Web
interface / CLI) for one SIC into a file containing a list of CLI commands. This file can be downloaded from
IONMM. When restoring for one SIC, you can upload a provisioning backup file (this file must have been
made via the Backup operation and must be for the same SIC type) to the IONMM and do a Restore. See
the IONMM Backup-Restore (
tab description. Currently, the Backup content includes con-
figuration files, HTTPS certification file, the Syslog file, and certain other files, as outlined in the table be-
Table 8: Back Up and Restore File Content and Location
File Type
File Descrip-
Stored Directory
Backed up?
after Re-
backup files
These files are
only used by
provisioning Re-
Yes – these files
are created dur-
ing Backup oper-
MIB configu-
ration files
‘agent3.conf ’
‘ifMib.conf ’
The MIB config-
uration files for
SNMP setting
No – not needed;
the configurations
included in this
file will be backed
up by SNMP set
IONMM Backup All / Restore All
IONMM v 1.4.0 adds Backup All and Restore All capabilities. The new Backup All and Restore All features
can be configured via the ION System Web GUI or CLI commands. The Backup/Restore feature provides
Automatic TFTP transfer, Backup and restore of up to 41 modules at one time, Time-stamped filenames
that include the stackname and index number, and Time-stamped tarfile containing all the config files.
See the IONMM User Guide for details.