configure sharing add ports
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
If you attempt to insert a 10G4X module into a BlackDiamond 8800 chassis configured for more than
32 LAGs, the 10G4X module fails the Init state with log error messages at the warning level similar
to the following:
04/07/1921 23:52:28.29 <Warn:DM.Warning> MSM-A: Slot-8 FAILED (1) Error Max Load Share
Groups Exceeded(-48) from HAL on CardExec INIT(5) for slot
04/07/1921 23:52:28.29 <Warn:DM.Warning> MSM-A: Error Max Load Share Groups Exceeded(-
48) from HAL on CardExec INIT(5) for slot 8
Once you configure more than 32 LAGs on a BlackDiamond 8800 chassis, the 10G4X module will not
initialize even if you reduce the number of LAGs to 32; you must reboot the system first. The system
logs an error message at the error level similar to the following when you must reduce the system
(even if you reduced the number of LAGs to 32):
04/07/1921 23:52:28.29 <Erro:HAL.Card.Error> MSM-A: Slot 8 is not supported when more
than 32 load share groups have previously been configured. A system reboot is
required to clear this condition.
BlackDiamond 10808 and 12804 switch only.
The following guidelines apply to LAGs on the
BlackDiamond 10808 and 12804 switch:
A static LAG can include a maximum 16 ports.
An LACP (dynamic) LAG can include a maximum of 32 ports; out of these up to 16 can be selected
links and the remaining 16 will be standby links.
The maximum number of LAGs is 128.
On the BlackDiamond 10808 and 12804 switch, if you do not explicitly select an algorithm, the port-
based scheme is used. However, the address-based algorithm has a more even distribution and is the
recommended choice.
You must use the
configure sharing address-based
command to configure address-based load sharing on
the BlackDiamond 10808 and 12804 switch.
The following example adds port 3:13 to the LAG with the logical port 3:9 on a modular switch:
configure sharing 3:9 add port 3:13
This command was first available in ExtremeWare XOS 10.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on all platforms.