ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
Added, Modified, and Deleted Commands
The following is a list of the commands that were added, modified or deleted from one release of
ExtremeWare XOS to the next. This list covers only commands that were newly added or deleted, or
commands that had keywords added or modified for the release. Changes to command defaults or
behavior is not captured here.
ExtremeWare XOS Release 11.5 Command Changes
The changes captured here are changes from the first release of ExtremeWare XOS 11.4 (release number, to the first release of ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 (release number
New Commands for Release 11.5
The following are the commands that were added for ExtremeWare XOS release 11.5:
clear sys-recovery-level
configure account encrypted
configure lldp med fast-start repeat-count
configure lldp ports vendor-specific avaya-extreme call-server
configure lldp ports vendor-specific avaya-extreme dot1q-framing
configure lldp ports vendor-specific avaya-extreme file-server
configure lldp ports vendor-specific avaya-extreme poe-conservation-request
configure lldp ports vendor-specific med capabilities
configure lldp ports vendor-specific med location-identification
configure lldp ports vendor-specific med policy application
configure lldp ports vendor-specific med power-via-mdi
configure sys-health-check all level
configure sys-recovery-level switch
disable inline-power legacy
disable snmp traps lldp-med
enable inline-power legacy
enable snmp traps lldp-med
show access-list usage acl-range
show access-list usage acl-slice
show inline-power stats
Modified Commands for Release 11.5
The following are the commands that had keywords added, deleted, or modified for ExtremeWare XOS
release 11.5:
configure banner
configure sharing address-based
configure sys-recovery-level slot
configure vrrp vlan vrid advertisement-interval
enable sharing grouping