configure sys-health-check interval
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
configure sys-health-check interval
configure sys-health-check interval <interval>
Configures the frequency of sending backplane diagnostic packets and the polling interval.
Syntax Description
Depending upon your platform, the following defaults apply:
BlackDiamond 10808 and BlackDiamond 12804 switches:
If backplane diagnostics packets are enabled on a particular slot, the default for sending packets
and for polling is 6 seconds on that slot.
If only polling occurs, the default polling interval is 60 seconds (
*10 seconds).
BlackDiamond 8800 series switch:
If backplane diagnostics are enabled on a particular slot, the default for sending packets is 5
seconds on that slot.
The polling interval is always 5 seconds (this is a not a user-configured parameter).
Usage Guidelines
Use this command with the guidance of Extreme Networks Technical Support personnel.
The system health checker tests I/O modules and the backplane by forwarding backplane diagnostic
packets. On the BlackDiamond 10808 and the BlackDiamond 12804 switches, additional checking for the
validity of these packets is completed by performing a checksum. Use this command to configure the
amount of time it takes for the packets to be forwarded and returned to the MSM.
BlackDiamond 10808 and BlackDiamond 12804 switches—Specifies the
frequency of sending backplane diagnostic packets and polling the ASIC
• If backplane diagnostic packets are enabled on a particular slot, the default
value for sending diagnostic packets and polling the ASIC counters is 6
seconds on that slot.
• If only polling occurs (this is the system default), the default value is 60
seconds. The polling interval is
*10 seconds.
BlackDiamond 8800 series switch—Specifies the frequency of sending
backplane diagnostic packets.
• If backplane diagnostic packets are enabled on a particular slot, the default
value for sending diagnostic packets is 5 seconds on that slot.
• If only polling occurs (this is the system default), the default value is
5 seconds. (The polling interval is not a user-configured parameter, and
polling always occurs.)