configure ssl certificate privkeylen
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
configure ssl certificate privkeylen
configure ssl certificate privkeylen <length> country <code> organization
<org_name> common-name <name>
Creates a self signed certificate and private key that can be saved in the EEPROM.
Syntax Description
Usage Guidelines
This command creates a self signed certificate and private key that can be saved in the EEPROM. The
certificate generated is in the PEM format.
Any existing certificate and private key is overwritten.
The size of the certificate depends on the RSA key length (
) and the length of the other
parameters (
organization name
, and so forth) supplied by the user. If the RSA key length is
1024, then the certificate is approximately 1 kb. For an RSA key length of 4096, the certificate length is
approximately 2 kb, and the private key length is approximately 3 kb.
Similar to SSH2, before you can use any SSL commands, you must first download and install the
separate Extreme Networks SSH software module (ssh.xmod). This additional module allows you to
configure both SSH2 and SSL on the switch. SSL is packaged with the SSH module; therefore, if you do
not install the module, you are unable to configure SSL. If you try to execute SSL commands without
installing the module first, the switch notifies you to download and install the module. To install the
module, see the instructions in
Appendix A, “Software Upgrade and Boot Options,”
of the
XOS Concepts Guide
The CNA Agent requires SSL to encrypt communication between the CNA Agent and the CNA Server.
For more information about the CNA Agent, see
Appendix C, “CNA Agent Commands.”
Specifies the private key length in bytes. Valid values are between 1024 and 4096.
Specifies the country code in 2-character form.
Specifies the organization name. The organization name can be up to 64 characters
Specifies the common name. The common name can be up to 64 characters long.