Commands for Managing the ExtremeWare XOS Software
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
Make sure the renamed file uses the same file extension as the original file. If you change the file
extensions, the file may be unrecognized by the system. For example, if you have an existing
configuration file named
, the new filename must include the
file extension.
You cannot rename an active configuration file (the configuration currently selected to boot the switch).
To verify the configuration that you are currently using, issue the
show switch {detail}
command. If
you attempt to rename the active configuration file, the switch displays a message similar to the
Error: Cannot rename current selected active configuration file.
When you rename a file, the switch displays a message similar to the following:
Rename config test.cfg to config megtest.cfg on switch? (y/n)
Enter y to rename the file on your system. Enter n to cancel this process and keep the existing filename.
Case-sensitive Filenames.
Filenames are case-sensitive. In this example, you have a configuration file
named Test.cfg. If you attempt to rename the file with the incorrect case, for example test.cfg, the switch
displays a message similar to the following:
Error: mv: unable to rename `/config/test.cfg': No such file or directory
Since the switch is unable to locate test.cfg, the file is not renamed.
Local Filename Character Restrictions.
This section provides information about the characters supported
by the switch for local filenames.
When specifying a local filename, the switch permits only the following characters:
Alphabetical letters, upper case and lower case (A-Z, a-z)
Numerals (0-9)
Period ( . )
Dash ( - )
Underscore ( _ )
When naming a local or remote file, remember the requirements listed above.
Internal Memory and Core Dump Files.
Core dump files have a .gz file extension. The filename format is:
indicates the name of the process that failed and
is the numerical identifier of that process. If you have a modular switch and save core dump files to
the external memory card, the filename also includes the affected MSM: MSM-A or MSM-B.
If you configure the switch to send core dump (debug) information to the internal memory card, specify
option to rename an existing core dump file. If you have a modular switch with
an external compact clash memory card installed, you can move and rename the core dump file to that
For information about configuring and sending core dump information to the internal memory card, see
configure debug core-dumps
save debug tracefiles memorycard
Modular Switches Only.
This command also replicates the action from the primary MSM to the backup
MSM. For example, if you rename a file on the primary MSM, the same file on the backup MSM is