ESRP Commands
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
configure esrp ports weight
configure esrp ports <ports> weight [auto | <port-weight>]
Assigns the port weight for the specified ESRP port(s).
Syntax Description
The switch automatically calculates the weight of a port based on the bandwidth of the port.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to override the automatically calculated port weight.
parameter specifies a weight of 0. With this configuration, ESRP does not count host
ports and normal ports as active. With a weight of 0, ESRP experiences fewer state changes due to
frequent client activities like rebooting and unplugging laptops. A don’t-count port cannot be a
mirroring, software-controlled redundant port, or a Netlogin port.
For load shared ports, configure one master port in the load-share group with the port weight. A single
command specifies the weight for the entire load shared group. You can specify any port from the load
share group in the command. A load-shared port has an aggregate weight of all of its member ports. If
you add or delete a member port (or trunk), the weight of the master load-shared port is updated. For
more information about load sharing, see “
Configuring Slots and Ports on a Switch
” in the
XOS Concepts Guide
The following command configures port 1 on slot 3 with a weight of 0:
configure esrp port 3:1 weight 0
This command was first available in ExtremeWare XOS 11.1.
Specifies one or more ports or slots and ports.
Specifies the switch to calculate the weight of a port based on the port’s
bandwidth and link speed.
Specifies an ESRP port weight of 0. With a port weight of 0, the ports are not