VRRP Commands
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
show vrrp
show vrrp {detail}
Displays VRRP configuration information for all VRRP VLANs.
Syntax Description
Usage Guidelines
Depending on the software version running on your switch or your switch model, additional or
different VRRP information might be displayed.
If you specify the command without the
keyword, the following VRRP information appears:
VLAN Name—The name of the VRRP VLAN and whether VRRP is enabled or disabled on the
VLAN. The enable/disable state appears as follows:
En—VRRP is enabled on this VLAN.
Ds—VRRP is disabled on this VLAN.
VRID—The VRRP Virtual Router Identification number for the VRRP VLAN.
Pri—The priority value of the VRRP VLAN.
Virtual IP Addr—If configured, the virtual IP address associated with the VRRP VLAN.
State—The current state of the VRRP router. The state includes the following:
Init—The VRRP router is in the initial state.
Backup—The VRRP router is a backup router.
Master—The VRRP router is the master router.
Master Mac Address—The MAC address of the master VRRP router.
TP—Indicates the number of tracked pings.
TR—Indicates the number of tracked routes.
TV—Indicates the number of tracked VLANs.
P—Indicates that the VRRP VLAN is configured for preempt mode, which controls whether a higher
priority backup router preempts a lower priority master.
T—Indicates the configured advertisement interval.
If you specify the command with the
keyword, the switch displays similar information in a
bulleted format, including:
VLAN—The name of the VRRP VLAN.
Specifies more detailed VRRP information.