Configuration and Image Commands
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
install image
install image <fname> {<partition>} {msm <slotid>} {reboot}
Installs a new version of the ExtremeWare XOS software image.
Syntax Description
Usage Guidelines
When you download a software image, you are asked if you want to install the image immediately after
the download is finished. If you choose to install the image at a later time, use this command to install
the software on the switch.
The software image file can be a .xos file, which contains an ExtremeWare XOS core image, or a .xmod
file, which contains additional functionality to supplement a core image.
Displaying the Software Image Versions.
To display the software image version running on the switch,
use the
show version
show switch
Local Filename Character Restrictions.
This section provides information about the characters supported
by the switch for local filenames.
When specifying a local filename, the switch permits only the following characters:
Alphabetical letters, upper case and lower case (A-Z, a-z)
Numerals (0-9)
Period ( . )
Dash ( - )
Underscore ( _ )
When naming a local, remember the requirements listed above.
Specifies the software image file.
Specifies which partition the image should be saved to: primary or secondary.
Select primary to save the image to the primary partition and secondary to save
the image to the secondary partition.
Specifies the MSM where the software image file should be installed.
• A specifies the MSM installed in slot A.
• B specifies the MSM installed in slot B.
NOTE: This parameter is available only on modular switches.
Reboots the switch after the image is installed.