ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
VLAN Commands
This chapter describes commands for:
Creating and deleting VLANs and performing basic VLAN configuration
Enabling and disabling VLANs
Defining protocol filters for use with VLANs
Creating and deleting vMANs and performing basic vMAN
VLANs can be created according to the following criteria:
Physical port—A port-based VLAN consists of a group of one or more ports on the switch. A port
can be a member of only one port-based VLAN, and is by default a member of the VLAN named
802.1Q tag—Tagging is most commonly used to create VLANs that span switches.
Ethernet, LLC SAP, or LLC/SNAP Ethernet protocol type—Protocol-based VLANs are most often
used in situations where network segments contain hosts running multiple protocols.
A combination of these criteria.
Beginning with ExtremeWare XOS 11.2, the software supports using IPv6 addresses, in addition to IPv4
Beginning with ExtremeWare XOS version 11.4, the software anticipates the emerging IEEE 802.1ah
Backbone Bridge standard, also known as MAC-in-MAC tunneling. This standard allows Internet
Service Providers (ISPs) to use Ethernet to create a separate backbone over which the subscriber’s
frames are transported.