Commands for Managing the Switch
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
By default, the switch prompts you to overwrite an existing file. For example, if you have a file named
test.cfg on the switch and download a file named test.cfg from a TFTP server, the switch displays a
message similar to the following:
test.cfg already exists, do you want to overwrite it? (y/n)
to download the file and overwrite the existing file. Enter
to cancel this action.
If you successfully download the file, the switch displays a message similar to the following:
Downloading test.cfg to switch... done!
If you cancel this action, the switch displays a message similar to the following:
Tftp download aborted.
If you specify the
parameter, the switch automatically overwrites an existing file. For
example, if you have a file named test.cfg on the switch and download a file named test.cfg from a
TFTP server, the switch automatically overrides the existing file. If you successfully download the file,
the switch displays a message similar to the following:
Downloading test.cfg to switch... done!
This command was introduced to simplify using TFTP to transfer configuration, policy, and if
configured, core dump files from the switch to the TFTP server. You can continue to use the original
command introduced in ExtremeWare XOS 10.1.
For more information about TFTP, including:
TFTP server requirements
How to use TFTP
Host name and remote IP address character restrictions
Local and remote filename character restrictions
Virtual router requirements
Internal memory and core dump files
Topics related to only modular switches
Other useful commands
See the
on page 241
The following command retrieves and transfers the file test.pol from a TFTP server with an IP address
of and renames the file august23.pol when transferred to the external memory card installed in
a modular switch:
tftp get test.pol memory-card august23.pol
The following command retrieves the configuration file named meg-upload.cfg from a TFTP server with
an IP address of
tftp get meg_upload.cfg