Troubleshooting Commands
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
Request periodic or non-periodic transmission of ELRP packets on specified ports of a VLAN.
ELRP requests:
You can specify the number of times ELRP packets must be transmitted and the interval between
consecutive transmissions.
A message is printed to the console and logged into the system log file indicating detection of
network loop when ELRP packets are received back or no packets are received within the
specified duration.
There is no need to trap to the SNMP manager.
ELRP requests:
If ELRP packets are received back, a message is printed to the system log file and a trap is sent to
the SNMP manager indicating detection of a network loop.
Details of using ELRP with ESRP are discussed in the
ExtremeWare XOS User Guide
chapter, “
Standby Router Protocol
,” and the commands used to configure ELRP with ESRP are described in
Chapter 21, “ESRP Commands.”
Event Management System
The Event Management System (EMS) provides enhanced features to filter and capture information
generated on a switch. Details of using EMS are discussed in the
ExtremeWare XOS User Guide
, in the
chapter, “Status Monitoring and Statistics”, and the commands used for EMS are detailed in this
document in
Chapter 9, “Commands for Status Monitoring and Statistics.”
Included in this chapter, as well as in
Chapter 9
, are the EMS commands to enable and disable debug
mode for EMS components.