show memory
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
MSM-A 9 rtmgr 9748
MSM-A 9 snmpMaster 6400
MSM-A 9 snmpSubagent 8104
MSM-A 9 stp 6896
MSM-A 9 telnetd 3236
MSM-A 9 tftpd 3080
MSM-A 9 vlan 5816
MSM-A 9 vrrp 6584
The following command displays current system memory information for the Summit X450 family of
show memory
The following is sample output from this command:
System Memory Information
Total DRAM (KB): 262144
System (KB): 25852
User (KB): 96608
Free (KB): 139684
Memory Utilization Statistics
Process Name Memory (KB)
aaa 13468
acl 11420
bgp 0
cfgmgr 8336
cli 41040
cna 0
devmgr 8452
dirser 7068
dosprotect 8264
eaps 18784
edp 9780
elrp 10040
ems 10672
epm 15520
esrp 16728
etmon 18924
exacl 30
exdos 8
exfib 3
exosmc 29
exosnvram 4
exosq 36
exsflow 10
exsnoop 20
exsshd 9272
exvlan 290
fdb 12908
hal 64768