ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
Index of Commands
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
configure bgp peer-group next-hop-self, 1712
configure bgp peer-group no-dampening, 1713
configure bgp peer-group password, 1716
configure bgp peer-group remote-AS-number,
configure bgp peer-group route-policy, 1718
configure bgp peer-group route-reflector-client,
configure bgp peer-group send-community, 1715
configure bgp peer-group soft-reset, 1719
configure bgp peer-group source-interface, 1721
configure bgp peer-group timer, 1723
configure bgp peer-group weight, 1725
configure bgp restart, 1726
configure bgp restart address-family, 1727
configure bgp restart restart-time, 1729
configure bgp restart stale-route-time, 1730
configure bgp restart update-delay, 1731
configure bgp routerid, 1732
configure bgp soft-reconfiguration, 1733
configure bootprelay add, 1324
configure bootprelay delete, 1325
configure bootprelay dhcp-agent information
check, 1326
configure bootprelay dhcp-agent information
option, 1327
configure bootprelay dhcp-agent information
policy, 1329
configure bvlan add ports tagged, 723
configure bvlan add svlan, 724
configure bvlan delete ports, 725
configure bvlan delete svlan, 726
configure bvlan ethertype, 727
configure bvlan tag, 728
configure cfm domain add association integer,
configure cfm domain add association string, 417
configure cfm domain add association vpn-id oui
index, 418
configure cfm domain association add end-point
mepid, 419
configure cfm domain association add filter-
function, 421
configure cfm domain association add
intermediate-point, 423
configure cfm domain association delete end-
point, 425
configure cfm domain association delete filter-
function, 426
configure cfm domain association delete
intermediate-point, 427
configure cfm domain association end-point
mepid, 428
configure cfm domain association end-point
transmit-interval, 430
configure cfm domain delete association, 432
configure cli max-failed-logins, 65
configure cli max-sessions, 64
configure cna-testplug scheduler ipaddress, 1995
configure cna-testplug vlan, 1997
configure debug coredumps, 1951
configure diffserv examination code-point, 866
configure diffserv replacement, 868
configure dns-client add, 66
configure dns-client default-domain, 68
configure dns-client delete, 69
configure dos-protect acl-expire, 949
configure dos-protect interval, 950
configure dos-protect trusted-ports, 951
configure dos-protect type l3-protect alert-
threshold, 953
configure dos-protect type l3-protect notify-
threshold, 954
configure dot1p replacement, 2006
configure dot1p type, 870
configure eaps add control vlan, 1113
configure eaps add protected vlan, 1115
configure eaps config-warnings off, 1117
configure eaps config-warnings on, 1119
configure eaps delete control vlan, 1120
configure eaps delete protect vlan, 1121
configure eaps failtime, 1123
configure eaps failtime expiry-action, 1125
configure eaps fast-convergence, 1127
configure eaps hellotime, 1129
configure eaps mode, 1131
configure eaps name, 1133
configure eaps port, 1134
configure eaps shared-port link-id, 1136
configure eaps shared-port mode, 1137
configure eaps shared-port segment-timeout
expiry-action, 1138
configure edp advertisement-interval, 301
configure elrp-client one-shot, 1953
configure elrp-client periodic, 1955
configure elsm ports hellotime, 567
configure elsm ports hold-threshold, 569
configure esrp add elrp-poll ports, 1241
configure esrp add master, 1242
configure esrp add member, 1243
configure esrp add track-environment, 1244
configure esrp add track-iproute, 1245
configure esrp add track-ping, 1246
configure esrp add track-vlan, 1247
configure esrp delete elrp-poll ports, 1248
configure esrp delete master, 1249
configure esrp delete member, 1250
configure esrp delete track-environment, 1251