VLAN Commands
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
configure vman ethertype
configure vman ethertype <value>
Changes the default Ethernet type for the vMAN header; the default Extreme Networks Ethernet type is
Syntax Description
Ethertype value of 0x88a8.
Usage Guidelines
The default vMAN Ethernet type on Extreme devices is 0x88a8.
If your vMAN transits a third-party device (other than an Extreme Networks device), you must
configure the EtherType for the vMAN tag as the Ethernet type that the third-party device uses.
Beginning with ExtremeWare XOS 11.3, the system supports all vMAN EtherTypes, including the
standard Ethernet type of 0x8100.
BlackDiamond 8800 series switch and Summit X450 family of switches only.
Beginning with ExtremeWare
XOS 11.5, you can configure vMANs and VLANs on the same module or on the same stand-alone
switch for the following devices: BlackDiamond 8800 a-series and e-series modules and Summit X450a
and X4503 series switches. You can configure both vMAN and VLAN simultaneously on the same
physical port, but you must first change the vMAN Ethernet type to 0x8100.
Beginning with ExtremeWare XOS 11.4, you can configure vMANs and VLANs on the same module, on
the same stand-alone switch, or the same port once you configure the vMAN Ethernet type as 0x8100.
You must specifically configure this vMAN Ethernet type; the default vMAN Ethernet type is 0x88a8. If
you attempt to configure vMANs and VLANs on the same module or stand-alone box without
changing the Ethernet type to 0x8100, the system returns an error.
BlackDiamond 10808 and 12804 switches only.
A physical port configured in a vMAN as an
also belong to a VLAN; however, a port configured in a vMAN as a
simultaneously belong to a VLAN.
The following command, followed by a switch reboot, changes the Ethertype value to 8100:
configure vman ethertype 0x8100
Specifies an Ethertype value in the format of 0xffff.