BGP Commands
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 supports only the Summit X450 family of switches and the BlackDiamond 8800 series switch.
ExtremeWare XOS 11.5 Command Reference Guide
disable bgp aggregation
disable bgp aggregation
Disables BGP route aggregation.
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or variables.
Usage Guidelines
Route aggregation is the process of combining the characteristics of several routes so that they are
advertised as a single route. Aggregation reduces the amount of information that a BGP speaker must
store and exchange with other BGP speakers. Reducing the information that is stored and exchanged
also reduces the size of the routing table.
Use this command to disable BGP route aggregation.
The following command disables BGP route aggregation:
disable bgp aggregation
This command was first available in ExtremeWare XOS 10.1.
This command required an Advanced Core license in ExtremeWare XOS 11.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on platforms with a Core or an Advanced Core license.