Contacting ArcSoft
ArcSoft, Inc.
M-F 8:30AM - 5:30PM (PST)
46601 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont,CA 94538
Email: [email protected]
Technical Support:
M-F 8:30AM - 5:30PM (PST)
Email: [email protected]
Internet Options:
PhotoFantasy provides you with a direct link to ArcSoft’s unique digital imaging w eb site at
Visit this website to learn more about ArcSoft’s product line,make fun and exciting gifts with your digital images,
get helpful tips and technical support,and access the main ArcSoft website. Just go to your Start menu and click on
Programs/ArcSoft PhotoFantasy/Web Services. This will automatically launch your web browser, linking you
directly to these special “Web Services” options.
PhotoFantasy can also link you directly to the PhotoFantasy web page at
This page offers you new fantasy backgrounds to maximize your PhotoFantasy entertainment. To access,
click on the PhotoFantasy logo in the top left corner of any program screen and click on the online b utton that
appears.Or, go to your Start menu and click on Programs/ArcSoft PhotoFantasy/Wild New Fantasies.
Both will automatically launch your web browser and link you to the PhotoFantasy w eb page.
How to Register:
Be sure to mail or fax the built-in registration form to receive technical support and information on new products
and releases. This form is available in your Start Menu under Programs/ArcSoft PhotoFantasy/Register & Upgrade.
© 1999 by ArcSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. ArcSoft PhotoFantasy is a trademark of ArcSoft, Inc. All other brands
and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Printed in U.S.A. 9-98
Full Version
Version 2.0
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