Windows Installer Editor Reference
auto-updating 436
editing 436
missing file 123
storing .DLL 514, 516
storing .EXE 526
storing .MSI 529
storing scripts 519, 521
storing WiseScript 535
bitfield, for substitution 377
adding to dialog box 468
dialog box control 461
setting on dialog box 466
blank line, inserting 534
adding 221
breakpoint, debugger
clearing 489
setting 489
Also see compile
automating 261
clean 228
sharing settings 214
Build column 209
build error
See compile
Build Options page 216
build properties 563
build settings .INI 567
dialog box control 461
resizing for language 304
importing 396
project types 395
tips for import 395
C++ symbol file directory 340, 341
CAB file, creating 237
CAB file, mobile device
about 245
adding to installation 246
about 245
Call Custom DLL
from destination 512
from installation 513
from installed file 514
tips 508
Call DLL
from installation 516
from installed file 517
tips 508
Call JScript
from embedded code 518
from installation 518
from installed file 519
from property 520
tips 507
Call VBScript
from embedded code 521
from installation 521
from installed file 522
from property 523
tips 507
Cancel button, hiding in
installation 254
CAPICOM 262, 342
CER file 262, 342
CharFont 568
CharSet 568
CharSize 568
check box
dialog box control 461
setting items 468
check in files 352
check out files 352
Check Repository Files 133
check tables for errors 26, 435
checksum, validating 147
compatibility 208
validation 408
clean build
in directory 230
in source control 229
Clean Build page 228
ClearDisableUAP 553
cluster size 238
CmdLine 568
code group, importing for .NET 283
code page 295, 298
code signing
See digital signature
colors in sequence 496
column, table 431
COM interoperability (interop)
about 549
registering .NET assembly 105,
265, 367
COM+ 285
combobox dialog box control 462
Command Line page 251
command verb 178
command-line options, installation
about 251
advertising 256
creating 252
general options 252
installation log 199, 255
logging 199, 255
patch, applying 259
patch, removing 259
public property, changing 258
repair 257
running 100, 251
testing 99
transform, applying 258
UI options 253
command-line options, WfWI.exe
about 251
compiling with 363
create log file 261
example 261, 363
list of 259
command-line, creating 251
comment out line 498
commit only 543
Common Files folder 546
common language runtime 549
Also see .NET Framework
of Windows Installer files 93
to source control 355
automating 261
changes not saved 100
changing source directory 362
error in Task List 26
file path errors 98, 359
how to 97
incrementing version 105
log file 261
quick 39, 97
release 207, 209
release in Visual Studio 209
silent 261
with multiple processors 44
Complete feature 111
Complete installation type 203
64-bit 427
adding 425
assigning to feature 418, 428
checking if installed 444, 444
condition not working 440
conditions, adding 439, 439
creating 57, 547
defined 547
editing 425
including in media 240
isolating 429
key path 429
moving 419
moving items to 428
moving to merge module 373
naming 59
publishing 430
removing from feature 419
renaming 425
searching for 197
selecting for release 213