Windows Installer Editor Reference
Setup Editor
Assigning a Component to a Feature
on page 418
Finding Validation Errors
On the Tables tab, you can search for tables that contain errors and you can search for
individual validation errors. These are quick ways to search for validation errors while
you are working on a package.
A validation error occurs when the data in a field does not comply with the requirements
assigned to the field. Examples: null fields in columns that are not nullable, foreign key
mismatches, and strings that are too long for the field.
Alternatively, when a project is complete and all changes are saved, you can run the
Package Validation tool to check the entire package against a set of rules, such as the
Windows Installer SDK Internal Consistency rules.
To find tables that contain errors
In Setup Editor > Tables tab, right-click the left pane and select Check Tables.
The installation is searched for tables that contain errors. Any table that contains an
error is shown in red in the left pane and the error becomes a task in the Task List.
You can use the Task List to review the errors (see
Using the Task List
on page 26) or
you can click a red table name and use the Find Error menu item to find the row that
contains the error. See the following procedure.
To find individual validation errors in a database
1. In Setup Editor > Tables tab, right-click and select Find Error.
The Find dialog box appears.
2. In the Direction section, mark either Up or Down to specify the search direction.
3. Click Find Next.
If the database contains one or more validation errors, the first one is highlighted in
red in the upper-right pane.
4. To find the next error, click Find Next again.
To find validation errors in a package
Select Tools menu > Package Validation.
Package Validation appears.
Validating a Package
on page 404.
When validation is complete, the View / Correct dialog box appears. It lists
validation issues that represent areas where the package might not comply with the
specifications in the validation modules you selected. The icon to the left of each
issue indicates the issue type. When you close Package Validation, validation errors
that were not corrected are added to the Task List.
See also:
Tables Tab
on page 430
Searching for Table Data
on page 434