Windows Installer Editor Reference
Your Installation on the Destination Computer
Min. Size
The file’s size must be equal or greater than this number. Leave the default
value of 0 to ignore the file size.
Max. Size
The file’s size must be equal or less than this number. Leave the default value of
0 to ignore the file size.
(Optional.) To search for a file with a particular language ID, enter the language
ID. To enter multiple languages, separate the language IDs with commas.
5. Click OK on the Search File Details dialog box.
6. Click OK on the Search for File dialog box.
To test the search, add a text box on one of the dialog boxes in the installation. In the
text box’s Control Text field, enter the property name (surrounded by brackets) that
you assigned to this search. (Example: [MY_PROPERTY].) This causes the value of the
property to be displayed on the dialog box. When you run the installation, the property
you specified will hold the results of the search. If it is empty, the search failed.
Searching For Items in .INI Files
On the System Search page, you can set up a search for an item in an .INI file on the
destination computer. You can either search for a generic value, or do a special search
that’s tailored specifically for a file path or directory path.
When you use the System Search page to search for an .INI file, you can only search for
.INI files that are inside the Windows or the Winnt directory. Windows Installer does not
find .INI files that are located in other directories, even subdirectories within the
Windows directory.
.INI file terminology
An .INI file consists of sections with the following syntax:
SrcFiles=E:\Application\Application.exe, E:\Sample\Sample.dll
In the section above, DirectoriesAndFiles is an INI Section Name and SrcDir is an
INI Item Name.
Item Field refers to the number of the item in a comma-delimited list. Example:
The Item Field for E:\Sample\Sample.dll in the section above is 2 because it is the
second item in the list.
To add an .INI file to the search list
1. Select Installation Expert > System Search page.
2. Click Add at the right of the page and select INI File.
The Read INI File dialog box appears.
3. Complete the dialog box: