Windows Installer Editor Reference
WiseLangString table 560
WiseLanguage table 560
WiseLaunchCondition table 560
WiseMaskedProperties 567
WiseMediaOptions table 398, 560
WiseMetaDataCache table 560
WiseMobileDevice table 560
table 560
WiseModuleConfiguration table 560
WiseModuleSignature table 560
WiseNextDlg 557
WisePageLists table 560
WisePathReplacement table 560
WisePathVariable table 560
WisePocketPCFile table 560
WisePocketPCPlatform table 560
WisePocketPCRegistry table 561
WisePrerequisites table 561
WisePrevDlg 557
WiseRegComPlusAddRemove 557
WiseRegComPlusInit 557
WiseRelease table 560, 561
WiseReleaseExclude table 561
WiseReleaseMedia table 561
WiseReleaseMediaDest table 561
WiseReleaseMediaInclude table 561
WiseReleaseOverride table 561
WiseRemoveFirewall 557
WiseRuntimeVar table 561
calling 498
calling from destination 534
calling from installation 535
calling from installed file 536
editing from Prerequisites
page 227
example 499
failure on Vista 503
manifest for run level 503
parsing path 499
resetting from Prerequisites
page 228
security 500
silent installation 498
uninstalling 501
WiseScript Editor 498
WiseScript Express
See WiseScript Editor
WiseScript Package Editor 498
WiseSequence table 561
s 557
WiseSetFirewall 557
WiseSingleFileCheck 557
WiseSourcePath table 561
WiseSql1.sql 280
WiseSQLCallDLL 557
WiseStartup 557
WiseStreamFiles table 561
WiseTaskList table 561
WiseTestSqlConn 557
WiseTextReplacement table 561
about 319
client 319, 326
configuring 321
dialogs, customizing 324
INI file 323
log 323
process 320
running from a shortcut 326
running from application 327
running silently 327
testing 325
tips 327
troubleshooting 328
update file, about 323
updating file 322
uploading, FTP client 325
using 321
using with WebDeploy 327
WiseUpdate page 319
WiseUpdt.exe 326
WiseUpgradeCheck 558
WiseUpgradeCheckEx 558
WiseVDAttributes table 561
WiseVersionInfo table 561
WiseVirtDirCallDll 558
WiseVirtualDirectory 561
WiseVistaIce.cub 409
WiseVSDropFile 562
WiseVSOutput table 562
WiseVSOutputGroup table 562
WiseVSProject table 562
WiseWebSiteAttributes 562
WiseWebSites 562
WiseWildcard table 562
WiseWildcardFile table 562
WiseWriteWebXMLDll 558
See tools
wizard dialog boxes 450
word count 416
WOW64 73
WOW6432Node 74
wrapper, EXE 201
WSI file
creating 79, 82
defined 68
multiple platforms 75
working with 70
WSM file
Also see merge module
defined 68
WSPROJ file 68
wwwroot 267
XML format installation
about 95
create during save 38, 95
exporting to 95
integrating with source
control 349
XML, edit attributes 153
XPlogo.cub 407