Windows Installer Editor Reference
If the issue was found by a Microsoft validation module, see ICE Reference or Merge
Module ICE Reference in the Windows Installer SDK Help for details.
9. If the Correct button is enabled when you select an issue, click it to correct the
If you correct a .WSI or .WSM, it is recompiled to an .MSI or .MSM at the end of
validation. If you correct an .MSI or .MSM, errors are not corrected in any
corresponding .WSI or .WSM.
10. If the Correct button is not enabled when you select an issue, the issue cannot be
corrected within Package Validation. Make any necessary changes to the installation
package in Windows Installer Editor.
The Correct button is not enabled when an issue is found by a custom action rule.
Depending on how the custom action is written, the problem might be fixed
automatically when it’s found, or you might need to fix the problem manually.
11. To add issues to the Task List and fix them manually, mark Add to Task List.
When you click Finish, the issues appear in the Task List.
12. To obtain a record of the issues, click Save to File or Print All.
13. Click Finish.
See also:
Package Validation
on page 404
Windows Vista/Windows 7 Validation
on page 409
Using the Task List
on page 26
Customizing Validation Modules
A validation module is a .CUB file that contains one or more validation rules. A validation
rule can be a custom action that calls a .DLL, .EXE. or VBScript (.VBS), or a rule set that
consists of a series of conditions and actions.
You can customize validation modules by selecting which validation rules to use during
the validation test.
Selecting validation rules to use
A validation module typically contains multiple rules that verify a package. You can
customize validation modules by selecting which validation rules to use during the
validation test.
Darice.cub, authored by Microsoft, contains more than 90 ICE (Internal Consistency
Evaluator) custom actions, or rules, that check a package’s internal database
consistency. You can disable any of these rules. For a description of the Microsoft ICE
custom actions, see ICE Reference in the Windows Installer SDK Help.