Windows Installer Editor Reference
Upgrading Applications
TimeStamp URL
Specify the URL you use for your timestamping service. Timestamping lets end
users distinguish between a certificate that has expired but was valid when it was
used to sign the installation, and a certificate that was used to sign an installation
while it was expired. The timestamping service must be available on your computer
to build the installation but does not need to be available to the end user running
the installation.
Certificate options
Signtool.exe with Personal Information Exchange file
Mark this to use signtool.exe and then specify the Personal Information
Exchange file (.PFX) to use. This option requires a password.
Signcode.exe with public/private key pair files
Mark this to use signcode.exe and then specify the credentials file (.SPC or
.CER) that contains your Digital ID, and your private key file (.PVK).
Certificate options
Signtool.exe with Personal Information Exchange file
Mark this to use signtool.exe and then specify the Personal Information
Exchange file (.PFX) to use.
Signcode.exe with public/private key pair files
Mark this to use signcode.exe and then specify the credentials file (.SPC or
.CER) that contains your Digital ID, and your private key file (.PVK).
See also:
Setting Digital Signature Options
on page 43
Specifying the Patch Sequence
Windows Installer 3.0 or later only.
To specify the patch sequence
1. Access the Patch Sequencing page.
Creating a Patch File
on page 337.
2. On the Patch Sequencing page, click Add to specify sequencing information.
The Patch Sequence Details dialog box appears.
3. Complete the dialog box and click OK:
Patch Family
Specify the patch family that this patch belongs to.
To sequence this patch after a specific patch, click Browse and select a patch file
(.MSP). This populates the Patch Family and the Sequence Within Family
fields. Example: If you browse to a patch that is in Family01 and has a sequence
of 10, the current patch will be added to Family01 with a sequence of 20
(sequences are generated in increments of 10). If the selected patch belongs to
multiple families, the first family found is used.