Windows Installer Editor Reference
Windows Vista/Windows 7 Validation
The Windows Vista/Windows 7 Compatibility Checks validation module in Package
Validation runs WiseVistaIce.cub, which checks for adherence to the requirements for
the Microsoft Windows Vista Logo Program certification. For information about Windows
Vista logo requirements, visit the MSDN Library (
Updating the list of protected files and registry keys
The Windows Vista validation verifies that the installation does not contain files or
registry keys that are protected by Windows Resource Protection (WRP). To perform this
check, Package Validation compares resources in the installation to those in the
following tables in WiseVistaIce.cub: _VistaProtectedFiles and _VistaProtectedRegKeys.
The contents of these tables are current as of this product’s release. You can update
these tables as follows:
Edit WiseVistaIce.cub directly.
Rebuild the tables by running the GetWRPItems.exe utility, which is installed in the
bin subdirectory of this product's installation directory. Run it from the command
prompt on a computer that is running the Windows Vista or later operating system
and specify the full path to WiseVistaIce.cub. Example:
"C:\Program Files\Symantec\Wise Installation Studio\bin\getwrpitems.exe" "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Wise
Installation Studio\Windows Installer Editor\Validation\wisevistaice.cub"
The GetWRPItems.exe utility deletes the contents of both tables and rebuilds them
based on the WRP information on your computer. Because the edition of the
Windows Vista or later operating system that is installed might affect the contents of
the rebuilt files, run the utility on the edition of the operating system that your
installations target.
See also:
Package Validation
on page 404
Removing Files With Missing or Invalid Source
When you compile an installation that contains files with missing or broken source
paths, the compile fails. The Remove Missing Files tool reduces compile errors by
searching an installation for such files and letting you remove those files from the
installation. If you decide to leave a file in the installation, you can fix its source path.
Paths to files in an installation can break if you:
Move files that are part of the installation to a new directory on your computer or
Move the installation file itself from your computer to another computer.
Use relative paths and then move the installation file.
Rename a directory.
To remove files with missing or broken source paths
1. Select Tools menu > Remove Missing Files.