Windows Installer Editor Reference
Assembling an Installation
structure, when you add new files to the solution, they are added to the
corresponding directory in the installation.
6. Click OK.
The files in the selected output group are added as specified.
See also:
Visual Studio Solution Page
on page 157
Visual Studio Solution Page Icons
on page 161
Installation Directories
on page 128
Adding Files to an Installation
on page 130
Visual Studio Solution Page Icons
The file icons appear in the lower-right list box on the Visual Studio Solution page and
help you quickly identify different types of files in the installation. The output group icon
appears in both the upper-left and lower-right list boxes and helps you quickly identify
output groups.
See also:
Visual Studio Solution Page
on page 157
Registry Page
Use the Registry page to specify the registry entries to be installed, removed, or edited
on the destination computer. You can either add registry entries manually or import a
registry file (.REG). If you import a Visual Basic .VBR file, it will import the registry
settings, but will not automatically set up for the installation of either a remote
automation or DCOM™ server. You also can export to a registry file.
When you import a registry entry that points to a standard directory, such as Win32 or
Program Files, Windows Installer Editor replaces the path to the directory with formatted
text in brackets. As a result, the registry entry automatically points to the correct
directory, no matter where it is located. Example: References to C:\Program Files\ are
replaced with [ProgramFilesFolder].
In addition, if the registry key points to a file in the installation, it is replaced by
[#filekey]. Example: If you have C:\Program Files\MyApp\MyApp.exe in your
installation, and you add a registry key that refers to that file, its value becomes
[#myapp.exe], assuming myapp.exe is the key to the file in the File table. See
Formatted in the Windows Installer SDK Help.
Installation file
Duplicate installation file
Dependencies file
Output group