Windows Installer Editor Reference
Advanced Installations
Icon File
To use a custom icon, enter the path to the .ICO, .EXE, or .DLL file that contains
the icon.
Icon Index
Enter the resource number of the icon (in the .ICO, .EXE, or .DLL file specified
above) to use from the icon file above. This icon appears in the Shortcut
Directory you selected above.
4. Click Finish.
To edit the mobile device entry, select it and click Details.
After you create a mobile device entry, you might notice changes throughout Installation
Expert, such as files added on the Files page, a shortcut on the Shortcuts page, and new
custom actions added to MSI Script. Do not change or delete these items because doing
so will cause the mobile device installation to fail.
See also:
About the Mobile Devices Page
on page 244
About Windows Mobile Installations
on page 245
Process for Adding Mobile Device Support to an Installation
on page 245
About Palm OS Installations
A Palm OS® application consists of a file in one of the following formats:
.PDB (Palm database), which stores data for an application.
.PQA (Palm query application), which is a .PDB that contains world-wide web
.PRC (Palm resource), which contains resources.
To install a Palm OS application, the end user installs or downloads its file to the desktop
computer, runs the Palm Desktop software to specify the new application, and performs
a HotSync operation to install the application on the mobile device.
To add Palm OS files to a desktop installation, use Installation Expert > Mobile Devices
page. You can specify where the Palm OS files are installed.
Adding Palm OS Files
on page 249.
Installing to the Add-on folder
When the end user runs the Palm Desktop software to specify a new application to
install, the contents of the Palm\Add-on folder are displayed first. This lets the end user
install the Palm application manually, and gives all Palm users of the desktop computer
access to the application.
Installing to the Palm User folder
Palm applications that are in the Palm user folder (Palm\User) are installed on that end
user’s device whenever a HotSync operation is performed. The end user does not have
to specify the application in the Palm Desktop.
When multiple Palm users use the desktop computer, the end user who runs the
Windows Installer installation can specify which Palm users should be able to access the
new Palm application.