Windows Installer Editor Reference
Assembling an Installation
The INI File entry appears in the right list box. To edit it, double-click its name. To
delete it, use the right-click menu.
To create and edit an .INI file from Setup Editor
1. On the Components or Features tab, expand a component or feature.
2. To create a new folder for the INI file, right-click the INI Files icon or one of its
subfolders and select New > Folder. Rename the folder.
3. Right-click a folder and select New > INI File.
Add the .INI file immediately after creating the folder, because if you create the
folder, but fail to put an .INI file entry inside it, the folder is deleted from the
installation the next time you save it.
The INI File Details dialog box appears.
4. Complete the dialog box; see below.
5. Click OK.
The INI File entry is added to the selected feature or component and appears in the
upper-right pane. To edit it, double-click its name. To delete it, use the right-click menu.
To complete the INI File Details dialog box
INI Filename
Enter a name for the new .INI file, or click Import to import an existing .INI file. This
file will be created on the destination computer, if it does not already exist. If it
exists, the .INI contents you enter will be used to edit the existing .INI file.
Because Windows Installer does not support writing comments to .INI files,
comments are removed from .INI files you import.
INI Settings
Enter the information to add or change in the .INI file. The
text must be in the correct syntax. Section names must be in brackets and contents
must be in the form variable=value. Example:
You can enter Windows Installer property names (surrounded by brackets) for both
the variable and value. Example: To set a variable named MyAppLocation to the
installation directory and add it to the APPLICATIONPATH section, enter:
Shortcuts Page
The Shortcuts page lets you add, edit, and delete shortcuts for files in the installation,
and add icons for shortcuts you will install. You also can create a shortcut for a file on
the destination computer that’s not in the installation.