Windows Installer Editor Reference
Debugger for Windows Installer
You can customize the debugger window by rearranging the panes. Any changes you
make to the panes are retained the next time you run the debugger program. Use the
right-click menu in the Actions, Properties, Condition Evaluator, and Log panes for these
additional options:
Float as MDI Window
Change the pane to a window with a tab in the Table List pane. To dock it again,
right-click in the window and clear this option.
Allow Docking
Dock a pane when you drag it near an edge of the screen.
When this option is not marked, the pane does not dock regardless of where you
drag it. You can also prevent docking by pressing Ctrl while dragging the pane.
Remove the selected pane from the screen. To restore the pane, select it in the View
Running the Debugger
The debugger runs through the actions in the Normal Installation mode only. It cannot
debug the Administrative or Advertisement installations.
To run the debugger
1. In Windows Installer Editor, open the .WSI, .MSI, or .MST to debug.
2. Click the Debug button at the lower right of the main window.
(In Visual Studio: In Solution Explorer, right-click the installation project icon and
select Set as Startup Project. Then select Debug menu > Start.)
Table List
Lists all the tables in the installation in a window named
_Tables. To open a table, double-click its row in the Table
List. Move from one open table to another by clicking the
corresponding tab at the bottom of this window. You can
edit temporary table fields only.
Working With Temporary Tables and Columns
page 490.
Displays a record of the actions that are processed during
the installation. This installation log is generated by
Windows Installer and is displayed for informational
purposes only.
Displays the properties of the action selected in the Actions
pane. It shows current values of the action’s condition,
condition state, sequence, and type. You cannot change any
of the properties in this pane.
Condition Evaluator
Lets you test conditions without adding them to the
installation. When you enter conditions and run the
installation, the Condition Evaluator displays the conditions’
Evaluating Conditions
on page 490.