Windows Installer Editor Reference
Working With Wise Installation Files
(Revision Control is available only in the Wise Package Studio version of
Software Manager but it can affect packages that you open in Wise Installation
To open a package from a directory:
Click the File System tab on the Open dialog box and navigate to a package. This is the
same as the standard Windows Open dialog box.
To open a package from the Wise Software Repository
1. Click the Repository tab on the Open dialog box.
Packages are displayed in the list box if they have a valid path to an installation file
(.MSI, .WSI, and so on). If a package’s path to its installation file is missing or
broken, or is not accessible by the current computer, that package is not listed. Also,
subscription packages are not listed.
2. Database displays the current Software Manager database. To select a package
from a different database, click
The Select Data Source dialog box appears. This is a standard Windows ODBC
connection wizard, which lets you connect to a database through an ODBC data
3. Specify criteria for filtering the packages that are displayed above:
This lists the groups defined in Software Manager.
This lists the possible package statuses.
Package Type
This lists the available package types.
4. Select a package in the list and click Open.
If you change an installation that you opened from the repository, re-import it into the
Software Manager database. Otherwise, changes will not be reflected in the repository.
See also:
Using a Wise Package Studio Repository
on page 29
Comparing Windows Installer Files
Visual MSIDiff™ lets you compare the following types of files and see the differences in
Setup Editor > Tables tab: .MSI, .WSI, .MSP, .MSM, .WSM, or .MST files. You can
compare an .MSP file only with its base .MSI.
Options for Comparing Files
Compare the current file to another file.
Compare any two files.
(Not available in the Visual Studio integrated editor.)
Compare a transform to its base .MSI, to see the items that the transform changes
in the .MSI.