Windows Installer Editor Reference
colors of actions 496
commenting out line 498
how they are run 495
inserting blank line 534
restricted areas 497
searching 495
types of actions 496
sequence, patch
about 336
specifying 343
logon information 475
SQL, configuring 279
server application 476
server roles and services
adding to the roles.txt file 190
setting system requirements 189
adding 179
configuring 180
deleting from destination
computer 181
starting 181
stopping 181
Services page 179, 179
Set Directory 537
Set Feature State 538
Set Property 538
SetPatchMode 556
SetPatchReinstallMode 556
settings, installation project 85
Setup Editor
about 413
navigating to 19
tabs 414
Setup Wizard 81, 84
Setup.dll, mobile device 245
SetWizardProperty 556
SetWizardProperty1 556
share point directory
about 30
connecting to 65
distributing to 313
editing contents 31
subdirectories 32
temporary file 30
shared assembly 137
Shared Files report 31
Shared Registry report 31
shared resources
file 152
registry 170
short file name 317
adding to installation 173
advertised 173
editing 174
shortcut, mobile device 247
Shortcuts page 172
side-by-side sharing 137, 550
signcode.exe 262, 342
signtool.exe 262, 342
silent compile 261
silent installation
calling WiseScript 498
SLN file 395
Small update 334
See Windows Mobile installation
Also see Microsoft SMS
file, copying 315
Software Manager 29
software virtualization options 39
solution, Visual Studio
integration with installation 90
scan method 87, 92
scanning for files 91
source control
about 348
adding clean build 229
adding project 349, 351
checking files in 352
checking files out 352
checkout, undoing 353
comparing to latest 355
connect to existing 349
differences, showing 354
disabling 51
enabling 51
getting latest version 353
history, showing 354
of XML files 349
removing files 353
source directory
See source path
source file
location, changing 360
relative paths 361
UNC paths 361
source path
about 359
broken 359, 409
changing 360
changing during compile 362
converting 359
file 402
invalid 359, 409
merge module 401
missing 409
relative 361
UNC-based 361
source tree relative to base 530
source type 416
SpaceError 569
SPC file 262, 342
SQL Client Tools 478
SQL Connection dialog box
about 451
adding 478
adding multiples 479
guidelines 477
modifying 479
using 477
SQL connection string 477
SQL Server
configuring 279
connecting to 280
setting required version 189
SQL Server Scripts page 279
SQL statements
adding to installation 281
replacing text in 282
standard action
Also see custom action
color 496
deleting 496
restrictions on placement 497
standard tab, in MSI Script 497
standard user installation
about 79
creating 80
start installation in test mode 99
Start menu, add shortcut 173
start Visual Studio integrated
editor 81, 82
start Windows Installer Editor 18
status MIF file 263
status, package 106
Also see text strings
using in condition 439
strong name 137
subscribed event 466
substitution value 374
Substitutions page 374
summary items
about 416
overriding 212
setting value 416
Support Information Page 110
suppressed prompts, activate 49
SVS driver
installing 222
SVS Driver runtime
installing 219
uninstalling 219
SVS layer
excluding user data files 220
installing MSI 217
maintenance mode 221