Windows Installer Editor Reference
Advanced Installations
Use the MTS/COM+ page to add MTS or COM+ application packages to an installation.
The MTS/COM+ page is intended for software developers who know the computer
names of the servers that contain MTS or COM+ server applications.
Both MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server) and COM+ are steps in the evolution of the
Component Object Model (COM) technology. MTS, which was developed first, is a
transaction processing system for developing, deploying, and managing server
applications. MTS runs on Windows NT Server 4.0 or later.
COM+, the next generation of COM technology, is shipped with and requires the
Microsoft Windows operating system. It provides a standard that lets any two
components communicate with each other regardless of what computer each is running
on, the operating systems that are running, and the language in which the components
are written. All computers can communicate through COM if they have support for
DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model) installed.
MTS or COM+ packages generally consist of server software and client software. When
you add an MTS or COM+ package to an installation, you must designate it as either a
server installation or a client installation. You cannot add both the server and client
installation for a given MTS or COM+ application to the same feature. If you need to
install both the server and client of the same application, either create two .MSI files, or
put the server installation in one feature, and the client installation in another feature. If
the MTS or COM+ application contains roles, those roles are not installed on destination
See also:
Adding an MTS or COM+ Application
on page 285
Adding an MTS or COM+ Application
To add an MTS or COM+ application
1. Make sure that you have either MTS or COM+ on your computer, and that the MTS
or COM+ server application is installed and configured on your computer exactly as
it should be configured on the destination computer.
(Optional) You can add the files that make up the MTS/COM+ application on the
Files page. This lets you place the files in any directory structure. Otherwise, the
files are placed in the Program Files\{GUID}\ directory. If you add the files yourself,
you must mark the Use Existing Source Paths check box later in this procedure.
2. Select Installation Expert > MTS/COM+ page.
3. From Current Feature, select a feature or condition. (Because any item you add
must be assigned to a specific feature, you cannot add an item when All Features
is selected.)
Items that you add to a feature are installed on the destination computer only if the
feature is installed. Items that you add to a condition are installed only if the feature
is installed and the condition is true.
4. Click Add at the right of the MTS/COM+ page.