Windows Installer Editor Reference
See also:
Using a Wise Package Studio Repository
on page 29
Connecting to a Wise Software Repository
on page 65
About the Share Point Directory
on page 30
Generating Package Contents Reports
Package contents reports provide an overview of the contents of an installation file and
make it easy to provide this information to end users. The following reports are
Package Contents Summary
Lists detailed information for every resource in an installation, including files,
registry keys, shortcuts, file associations, and merge modules. You can generate
this report for .WSI, .MSI, .WSM, and .MSM files.
Package Contents By Feature
Contains the same information as the Package Contents Summary report, but
arranges it by feature. You can generate this report for .WSI and .MSI files.
To generate a package contents report
1. Select Reports menu > Package Contents and select either Summary or By Feature.
In Visual Studio: Project menu > Reports > Package Contents and select either
Summary or By Feature.
2. The report is generated and opens in a dialog box.
Macros and additional template files that are used by Package Distribution.
The Wise Standard.MSI that provides information that is used by the New Dialog
Wizard to add a new dialog box to an installation.
Templates that are used to create a new installation. If you have a repository
connection, you must create this subdirectory under the share point directory. It is
not created when the share point is created.
Creating and Editing Installation Templates
on page 54
In the Visual Studio integrated editor, these templates create installations that are
not associated with a Visual Studio solution. The Visual Studio integrated editor
cannot use templates from the share point directory. It must use templates on the
local computer.
(Visual Studio integrated editor only.) Templates that are used to create an
installation as a project within a Visual Studio solution. These templates are not
available from the share point directory.
Templates that are used to format the shared resources reports in Windows Installer
Editor. These reports are available only when you have a repository connection in
Wise Installation Studio.
Themes.ini, which stores information about themes you have added or customized.
Also contains subdirectories that store the images for each theme.
Predefined validation modules (.CUB files) that are used by Package Validation.