Windows Installer Editor Reference
Appendix A
Wise Custom Actions
Windows Installer Editor uses custom actions to add functionality that is not available
with the Windows Installer standard actions. When you use certain features, such as
custom actions that call a .DLL, Wise custom actions are added to the installation.
Removing Wise custom actions might cause problems with the installation.
The Windows Vista Logo Program requires you to document every custom action in an
installation. This applies to the Wise custom actions as well as the ones you add. If you
plan to certify an installation for the Windows Vista or later operating system, use the
information in the following table to document the Wise custom actions.
You document the custom actions on the Description tab that appears on the details
dialog box for all custom actions.
Using the Custom Action Description Tab
on page 544.
See also:
About MSI Script
on page 491
Guidelines for Using Custom Actions
on page 504
Wise Custom Actions
Custom action
Checks the version of Windows on the destination computer. If it is less than
6 (earlier than Windows Vista), then it clears the DisableUAP property.
When User Account Control is disabled, the option to install for all users or
for the current user on the installation’s User Information dialog box is
hidden. If the installation has User Account Control disabled, but is run on a
version of Windows Installer earlier than 4.0, then that option on the User
Information dialog box is shown. This is the default behavior for earlier
versions of Windows Installer.
Inspects the destination computer to see if the Web installation can be
Loads all the information out of the tables and configures the properties
needed to properly display the Web dialog boxes based on the
destination computer.
Populates the list of existing Web sites that appears on the Web dialog
boxes when installing to an existing site.
WISE_CONFIG_OUTPUT_PATH to determine if Windows Installer Editor
should generate or read in settings to or from a configuration file.