Siemens Building Technologies
Basic Documentation RVP540 / RVP550
HVAC Products
Description of the heating engineer settings
Yes (with buffer storage tank stratification protection)
Residual heat is only utilized as long as it does not destroy the buffer storage
tank’s stratification. This means that temperature B22 in the wood-fired boiler may
be a minimum of 2 K lower than the temperature acquired by sensor B4 at the top
of the buffer storage tank. If this criterion is no longer satisfied, the residual heat
function will be stopped. If the boiler temperature (B22) rises again to a level 2 K
above the temperature acquired by the buffer storage tank sensor at the top, the
residual heat function will be activated again, provided “Residual heat function
performed several times” has been selected (operating line 386).
4.121 Residual heat function directly for the
Utilization of residual heat without the buffer storage tank
If there is no buffer storage tank in the plant, the residual heat can be supplied directly
to the consumers.
To activate or deactivate the residual heat function for the consumers, press the + / -
Setting range
Factory setting
0 / 1
0 No
The residual heat is not used by the consumers.
1 Yes
The residual heat is directly used by the consumers. The consumer pumps draw
the required amount of water directly from the boiler – the boiler pump is not in
The residual heat function remains active as long as the boiler temperature does
not drop by more than 2 K below the temperature demand of the heating circuits. If
that happens, the residual heat function will be stopped. If the boiler temperature
rises again to a level 2 K above the temperature demand from the heating circuits,
the residual heat function will be activated again, provided “Residual heat function
performed several times” has been selected (operating line 386).
When the “Residual heat function directly for the consumers” is activated, the “Residual
heat function with buffer storage tank stratification protection” (operating line 387) and
the “Minimum temperature differential of the wood-fired boiler” (operating line 369) are