Model 2281S-20-6 DC Power Supply and Battery Simulator Reference Manual
Section 3: Functions and features
077114601 / March 2019
Using SCPI commands to configure digital I/O lines
To set the line mode on a specified line in the power supply function:
:DIGital:LINE<n>:FUNCtion <function>
To set the line mode on a specified line in the battery test and battery simulator functions:
:BATTery:DIGital:LINE<n>:CONFigure <function>[,<action>]
Where <
> is the digital line and <
> is line function.
To read the digital I/O line in the power supply function:
To read the digital I/O line in the battery test and battery simulator functions:
Where <
> is the digital line.
A value is returned from this query command only when the digital I/O line is set to manual input. If it
is not set to manual input, the instrument generates error 508, "Querying manual input data of the
line which is not set as Manual Input line."