Section 7: SCPI command reference
Model 2281S-20-6 DC Power Supply and Battery Simulator Reference Manual
077114601 / March 2019
This command sets the maximum capacity value of the battery in the battery simulation function.
Affected by
Where saved
Default value
Command and query
Recall settings
Instrument reset
Power cycle
Save settings
0.01 Ah
:BATTery[n]:SIMulator:CAPacity:LIMit <value>
:BATTery[n]:SIMulator:CAPacity:LIMit? DEFault
:BATTery[n]:SIMulator:CAPacity:LIMit? MINimum
:BATTery[n]:SIMulator:CAPacity:LIMit? MAXimum
Channel number: For single-channel instruments, the value is 1
0.001 to 99 Ah
This command sets the maximum capacity value of the battery in the battery simulation function.
The maximum capacity value serves two purposes:
The battery simulator starts discharging from the maximum capacity
The battery simulator ends charging when the battery capacity reaches this value.
This value cannot be changed when the simulation is in progress. If you modify this value without
pausing the simulation, error 704, "Not permitted while battery model is running" occurs.
Set the maximum capacity to 5 Ah.
Also see