Model 2281S-20-6 DC Power Supply and Battery Simulator Reference Manual
Section 2: General operation
077114601 / March 2019
Rear-panel overview
The rear panel of the 2281S is shown below; descriptions follow the figure.
Figure 2: 2281S rear panel
LAN port
Supports full connectivity on a 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps network. The
2281S is a version 1.4 LXI Core 2011 compliant instrument that
supports TCP/IP and complies with IEEE Std 802.3 (ethernet
LAN). See
(on page 2-72).
USB port
USB-B connection for communication, control, and data transfer.
For details, see
(on page 2-88).
Power module
The power module contains the AC line receptacle, the power line
fuse, and the line voltage selector switch. For safety precautions
and other details, see
(on page A-1) and
Power the instrument on and off
(on page 2-58).
Digital I/O port
A digital input/output port that detects and outputs digital signals.
The port provides six digital I/O lines. Each output is set high
(+5 V) or low (0 V) and can read high or low logic levels. Each
digital I/O line is an open-drain signal. Refer to
page 3-22) for information.
IEEE-488 port
GPIB connection; the default setting for the 2281S is 5. Refer to
(on page 2-69).
Rear output
Connections for the source outputs and the sense inputs.