Section 7: SCPI command reference
Model 2281S-20-6 DC Power Supply and Battery Simulator Reference Manual
077114601 / March 2019
This command saves the specified list to the USB flash drive.
Affected by
Where saved
Default value
Command only
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
[:SOURce[n]]:LIST:SAVE:USB <listNumber>,<fileName>
Channel number: For single-channel instruments, the value is 1
An integer from 1 to 9 that represents the list to save to the USB flash drive
A string that contains a name for the saved list (maximum 8 characters)
Save the specified list to the USB flash drive.
Make sure that the external USB flash drive is connected to the instrument before you send this
command. An unstable connection between the USB flash drive and the instrument will cause an
error 520: "No USB flash drive found."
:LIST:SAVE:USB 1, "mylist"
Export the list 1 to the external USB flash drive as
Also see
(on page 7-138)